Your Act of Generosity,
Our Longevity.

Learn About Ways to Give
Your contribution.
Our future.
A lifetime investment.

Alpha Sigma Nu, the honor society of Jesuit institutions of higher education, recognizes those students who distinguish themselves in scholarship, loyalty and service. The only honor society permitted to bear the name Jesuit, ΑΣΝ encourages its members to a lifetime pursuit of intellectual development, deepening Ignatian spirituality, service to others, and a commitment to the core principles of Jesuit education.

Donor Stories

Hear the stories of friends who have made an impact through their acts of giving to our organization.

Gifts made from your estate by will, trust or beneficiary designation

Gifts that provide you and your loved ones with income and tax benefits

Capital Gains Tax Bypassed

Peter and Gail were nearing retirement. Over the years, with the help of their financial advisor, they made solid investments in securities and built a sizable portfolio. While their investments increased substantially in value, their potential capital gains tax bill was rising.

Sale and Unitrust

Gene and Carol purchased stock in a small medical service company several years ago. The company has done well. A larger company is now discussing the possibility of buying the smaller company. This sale would require that Gene and Carol sell their stock, subjecting them to capital gains. Gene and Carol are looking for a way to save taxes.

The Retirement Unitrust

Mary grew up on a farm. When her parents passed away, she and her husband Bill inherited the farm. When Mary was a child, the farm was out in the country. Now that the city has grown, the farm is within the city limits. Several developers would like to build homes on the farmland.

Property Turns Into Income

Miranda lived in the family home where she and her spouse had raised their three children. After her spouse passed away, Miranda found it increasingly difficult to care for her property.

Give It Twice Trust

While visiting her favorite nonprofit's website, June came across the idea of a give it twice trust. She contacted the organization for more information. The nonprofit's gift planner explained that a give it twice trust would allow her to first give income to children through the trust, and then the trust would later transfer the trust balance to charity.

Testamentary Charitable Remainder Unitrust: Have Your Cake and Eat it Too!

We have all heard the saying, "You can't have your cake and eat it too." This phrase describes a situation where we want two good things at the same time when that isn't possible. Karen and Stephen felt this way when they were establishing their estate plan. They wanted to pass their estate to family, but they also had a place in their hearts for our charitable mission.

Gifts that support our cause and save you taxes

Reduce Your Taxes with an IRA Charitable Rollover Gift

Margaret was a retired librarian. She volunteered at her favorite nonprofit several times a week and also made several donations each year. Margaret saw that her taxes were increasing and wondered how she could continue to do extra things like make charitable gifts with lower income.

Endowment Gift

Pat and Shelly were recently married. They both had been dedicated volunteers at their favorite nonprofit for many years. They wanted to make certain the organization's programs continued even after they were gone.

An Easy Way to Help Our Work with Your IRA

Daniel was a retired businessman who volunteered for our organization. When we decided to add a new program, he was excited to help in a significant way.

Part Gift and Part Sale

Susan and Kevin bought a vacant lot along Lake Michigan many years ago. They had planned to build a second home so that their family could spend their summers along the lake. However, as time went on, Kevin's job kept him in town and the children grew up before Susan and Kevin had the financial resources to build on the land.

Current Gifts

As is the case with many families, there are times each year when Jim and Sharon focus their attention on gift giving. For years, they have created a gift list that includes family members, friends and loved ones. Last year, Jim and Sharon made an addition to their list and began including their favorite charity.

What Will You Do With Your Unspent Retirement Savings?

Michael and Kelly were retired engineers with two adult children. They owned a home, some stocks and IRAs. They met with their financial advisor to discuss a plan to provide for their family and for some of their favorite nonprofit organizations.

Leading for the Future

Luke and Cynthia spent many years volunteering and supporting their favorite nonprofit organization. They wanted to give back in a way that would help fulfill its mission. At the same time, they were looking for a way to care for their family in the future.

Providing for Our Children's Future

Ron and Kathy worked for many years building their nest egg for retirement. While they felt their savings and investments would cover their needs, they wanted to make sure that their three children were provided for in the future.

IRA Rollover: A Gift with Substantial Benefits

Mark was a retired attorney with a significant IRA and substantial income from investments. He had made IRA rollover gifts to his favorite nonprofit organization several times in recent years.

Avoiding Tax on a Business Sale

Albert was the founder and sole shareholder of a small technology company that he started 30 years ago. At 65 years of age, he began thinking about selling the business.

Maximizing Mineral Income

Walter and May recently retired and moved south to a new retirement community. They still own their 250-acre ranch. Because the ranch has very valuable subsurface mineral rights, Walter and May have been approached several times about entering into a mineral lease that would allow for the production of oil and gas.

Gift for a Loved One with Special Needs

Richard is a successful business owner. His younger brother, Robert, was born with special needs. For the past 10 years, Richard has supported Robert, including paying the costs for Robert's adult care facility.